Computerized Foot Screening
In addition to tried-and-true measuring and fitting techniques, SHOES-n-FEET® also utilizes the latest technology to help assess your feet and find the best fit possible. When you visit a SHOES-n-FEET store, you will be asked to step on the Aetrex Albert machine, a revolutionary 3D digital foot analysis device recommended for all people who want to feel great on their feet. In less than 30 seconds, Albert will capture your foot type, pressure points and shoe size. Our Certified Shoe Fitters use this information to help recommend the ideal footwear to relieve or prevent foot pain, whether you need walking shoes or professional shoes, as well as arch supports for your individual needs.
The best part of the whole experience is that the Images can be viewed in two or three dimensions by you as we perform the scan and your Certified Shoe Fitter will describe exactly what your feet are feeling and your eyes are seeing. You can even receive an email of your personal foot scan.
The Aetrex Albert technology features 5,184 gold-plated barometric sensors that measure the pressure exerted by your foot every .25 cm². The high concentration of sensors allows the device to perform a precise reading. Amazingly, this compact device also incorporates 960 infrared LEDs and receptors that are aligned every half-millimeter to ensure unmatched accuracy when measuring your foot.
Learn everything you need to know about your feet by visiting a SHOES-n-FEET store today.