Bring in used shoes and receive $10 off a purchase of new ones! – SHOES-n-FEET

Bring in used shoes and receive $10 off a purchase of new ones!

Posted by JB Smith, Co-Owner on

shoe drive benefitting Soles4souls

Both the San Francisco and Bellevue stores will be participating in a shoe drive benefitting the organization Soles4Souls. They are a four star rated charity with the mission of helping disadvantaged people with new and used shoes and clothes.

On October 10th they are creating an event called Barefoot4Them as a way to raise awareness for their cause and their mission. At you can pledge to go shoeless on October 10th and you will be given the story of a person who desperately needs shoes. As you go through your day barefoot, you can offer up a concrete example to those who ask why you don't have shoes on. And if you snap a picture and upload it with the hashtag #barefoot4them, will donate $1 to the cause.

If you Instagram, Facebook or Tweet a photo of your bare feet. and Include something that like:  “Will you go #barefoot4them with @soles4souls on 10.10.13 to help the 300 million kids w/o shoes?” In addtion to $1 per picture uploaded, one of the participants will be chosen to recieve a $150 gift card towards new shoes!

At SHOES-n-FEET we know the importance of a well-fitting pair of shoes and live that mission daily! We will be hosting a shoe drive for this worthy charity, so stop by to drop off your used shoes. As a thank you to our caring and loyal customers, we are offering $10 off a shoe purchase with a donation. It is extra great if you show up barefoot and have uploaded your picture for all to see!

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