Shoes for Black Friday Shopping – SHOES-n-FEET

Shoes for Black Friday Shopping

Posted by JB Smith, Co-Owner on

Shopping Lines Black Friday - SHOES-n-FEET

We’re only a couple of days from Thanksgiving, meaning turkey, stuffing, football, family… and Black Friday! We know that many of you start your holiday shopping right after your Thanksgiving feast (and by right after, we mean literally right after). For both the midnight shoppers and those who allow themselves a good night’s sleep before heading to the stores, Black Friday means long lines and racing down the aisles to find that perfect gift. Well, we at SHOES-n-FEET want to make sure your footwear matches your passion for sales so that you can do your buying in comfort.

The Waiting Game

Long periods of standing are to be expected on Black Friday: waiting for the doors to open, waiting to pay at the cash register, waiting to have your purchases gift wrapped. Even if you’re not actually moving at all, you can still develop foot pain, especially if you’re standing on hard surfaces (sidewalks, linoleum floors, etc.).

While you’re waiting, do as much as possible to keep your feet and toes active. Pacing, shifting your weight, wiggling your toes and stretching should help a bit. But making sure you’re in the proper shoe is most important. For Black Friday, you are going to want a shoe with appropriate support so that your weight is evenly distributed throughout your foot, minimizing muscle strain.

Keep in mind that, after long periods of standing, your feet may swell as gravity causes the blood to head towards your lower extremity. You want to use a shoe with some flexibility and possibly additional depth to lower the chance of irritation against the material. Black Friday is not the day to squeeze into your new patent leather flats!

An arch support and proper socks may also come in handy. Insoles offer additional support, as well as cushioning and shock absorption. Certain socks also provide more cushioning on the sole, and can be helpful in keeping your feet dry.

Our pick: the Dansko Kenzie

Black Friday Standing Shoe - SHOES-n-FEET

Dansko shoes equal healthy feet and a healthy body. Their polyurethane soles and built-in arch support are ideal for shock absorption and all day comfort, even if you’re standing in line for the stores to open. The stylish Kenzie clog is made of waterproof leather and have slip-resistant soles, perfect for rainy weather of late November.

Ready, Set, Go!

Running on Black Friday comes with a purpose; not for pleasure, not for exercise, this is a competition. And your reward for this race will be more than flying through the finish line tape first. No, on Black Friday, beating the rest could mean a new flatscreen TV, the hottest new toy, the new high-tech dishwasher you’ve been saving for. But we want to make sure you arrive at your destination down the aisle safely. Because you can’t get anywhere good with a twisted ankle!

One of the most important things to keep in mind with running shoes is fit. Your shoes provide support for you foot throughout the whole cycle of running and keep your body properly aligned. Make sure the shoe has the right shape for your foot, with good flexibility and cushioning. If you suffer from any foot problems, your running shoes should come with extra technology or structural details that make up for them.

Just like with standing, you might benefit from additional arch support and quality socks to prevent foot pain and injury. With so many running shoes available with removable insoles, inserts can be worn while keeping a good fit.

Our pick: the New Balance 1123

Black Friday Running Shoe - SHOES-n-FEET

Made in New England, New Balance shoes use high-quality materials that emphasize motion-control, moisture-wicking, outsole durability and optimal shock absorption. They are available to accommodate various width and depth needs. The 1123 running sneakers are available for both men and women and offer a stable platform and maximum control, especially beneficial for runners with flat feet and overpronators. Lightweight and super comfortable, these are perfect for your Black Friday running needs.

What Next?

The Certified Shoe Fitters at your local SHOES-n-FEET store are happy to help you select the correct shoe for your holiday shopping activities. But since Black Friday only lasts one day, we invite you to visit our stores the following day (Saturday, November 26) to "Shop Small" in celebration of Small Business Saturday! For more information, click here.


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